As part of our regular painting service and to ensure that your paint finish looks incredible, we supply additional wall preparation services. This includes supplying and installing gib and plasterboard, patching or fixing holes and tears in the wall and providing a layer of plaster for a smooth finish. So, if you're looking to install new walls or fix your walls prior to a paint job, get in touch with the Competitive Painters team.
You can only achieve a high-quality paint finish when you start with a well-prepared surface. Internally, before painting or hanging wallpaper, we will plaster and stop your walls, including corners and around the skirting boards, so your paint or wallpaper will simply glide onto the surface. Each room will have the wallpaper stripped, cracks plastered, walls sanded off, and everything vacuumed up before the painters and decorators arrive. This is just one way we can keep your renovation or redecoration project on time, and on budget. We can give you a reasonable idea of what’s expected to plaster and prepare your walls during our in-home consultation.
Give us a call or drop us a note on the contact page to let us know about your project.
We'll come meet with you to canvas your property and work out a price costing.
Depending on what you need, we'll discuss with you any painting, decorating or fixing requirements.
Our team will work to fit in with your timeframe and deliver a superior finish on your property.